Saturday, January 10, 2009

Giving Circles

The majority of people in the world are not wealthy. This might be discouraging because most of us delight in giving. It makes us feel good, it's exciting to pick a gift for someone, to see their face light up with joy. Wouldn't it be great if you could give all the time?

What good can $10 do? These days it doesn't feel like much at all. But what if it were 10 x 10? What can $100 do? It might not change someone's life but it can still do a lot. It might fix a broken window in an elderly person's house. It will paint a drab room for an underprivileged kid. It will buy socks and underwear for a couple of needy families. It will pay for ingredients to make several small lasagna dishes to give to struggling neighbors or the housebound.

How to you turn your $10 into $100. It's very easy with a giving circle. The basic idea is that you gather together with a few friends or colleagues. Try something monthly or even quarterly. Set some guidelines, goals, giving amounts and then meet on your agreed schedule, pooling your money together. It's a very simple, easy way to make a difference with friends.

Go over to the Giving Forum and read how they recommend starting your giving circle. There are so many ideas you can do -- help the elderly, focus on children, partner with local food banks or a church to learn about needy families, start a "fix-it" brigade. Ten bucks is a meal out on the town. We can give that up to make a difference, right?

Photo credit: PLCMC

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