Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wish Upon a Hero

Did you see this recent story in the news? It's amazing! ABC's Person of the Week

Go right away to the Wish Upon a Hero web site and sign up to start making people's wishes come true. It doesn't necessarily cost money -- you can give a little or a lot. You can write cards or letters and do a lot of other amazing things. Join up as a group with some of your friends and take on a bigger wish. Or make connections... maybe you can't pay for someone's dental expenses, but maybe you know a dentist who can help!

Be creative, be proactive, be a hero!


The Farmers Wife said...

At first I really thought Wish Upon a Hero was a great thing. Then after granting some wishes and sending boxes upon boxes of clothes I realized it was always the same people asking for money to pay their utilities or for groceries. Maybe things there have changed, but I had a few people who became irritated when their stuff didnt come fast enough. I think the overall idea is a fantastic one, but it seemed there were a couple of people who abused the generosity there. I hope everyone does check it out, but be smart when giving money. There are some great people on there who do a whole lot of giving, its a great opportunity.

Wendy said...

Yeah, I think it's smart to look at all the wishes the people post and see if it looks like they are abusing the system. You might have to search hard to find the little gems, but they are there.

Also, it's fun to look for some of the neat little wishes, too. The ones where you can tell they are heartfelt wishes for cards or for a little special sentimental item to make someone feel better.

I agree -- I'm not into paying someone's utility bill every month because they are overextending themselves.

Tantra Flower said...

I think this is wonderful, Wendy. Some of the wishes are very touching. There is one wish to just simply find a family member that has been missing for 15 years. That one made my eyes misty.

Hope all is well with you. Peace and love to you, Lisa